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Get her Into You,,,,,,,

Get her Into You,,,,,,,

Trust your is a truth....
love is not a game...
love a ambition....
love an achievement...
love not a business...
love has no limits...
love has no barriers....
no one has right to stop it...
love is pure....
no alternative for love ...
another giant thing related to love is friendship....
both are completely different.....
there are mainly two things we consider are love and friendship which are completely different.
Now a make a few things how to go with friendship and love....

What is love?
love is a feel... it is expressible but undefined
any one can love any one.....
the love which you show and which makes you feel is the way to go with your way...

the main phases of love...
there are three main phases of love, they are
1.Selecting the way to propose
2.Proposing a girl
3.Accepted by her or.......
these phases may happen in sequence and appears to be good one.

1.Selecting the way to propose:-
if you love a girl its an easy way.. but proposing her is not a simple task
the you have selected to love must not be crazy and not a silly thing because if you love sincerely its the matter of your life.
love must not be a time pass thing
love is the matter lo two hearts mixed up with a same feeling
love happens any time anywhere on anyone
it must not be a calculation
it must not be a message it is a feel that merges two unequal hearts with a single relation
the way you love the way you express the way you feel free will have a great great effects on her and will be reflected to you as well...
You must express her in such a way that she must feel you must be one to her....
Before you express her lay a great foundation for your love..
watch her every day without getting hide back
try to play hide and seeks in a normal ways
take care of her
get to her noticed in positive way..
make her feel free to talk with you...
Try to make a friend of her..
join her as a friend....
speak with her freely and expressible do not express your love at all...
try to get her hobbies activities why not get almost your will......
If you find her engaged in an affair or in love with someone just drop your feelings and remain as a friend... :-(
try to make a casual meetings and cafe shop meets...
go for trips... everywhere take care of her....
2.Propose a girl:-
Then finally a stage is set up for you to make an express of you love..... feel tensed.. ohhh no just stay cool because its the important phase of your love and your future life..............
Ask her to come to a place where she wants to spend her time more and more........................................................
Offer your proposal ........ Hey don't bargain or make any kind of business proposals.....
Express with a cool gift
express her at a lonely place....
Make her feel free to express you or you take some active part if you can......
make manageable ways to express her surprise her.....................
if she denies don't get frustrated or hesitated ....
just say bye and leave the place... but don't Stop your love on her..... Go to step3a...
3.Accepted by her:-
she has to accept you and love you..
you must love her
love her in such a way that u has to feel that she is yours...
get her attracted by you in a positive and meaningful way...
propose her frequently ......
go onnnnnnnnnnnnnn
long live your love............ :-)
If she decline your love
try to get the reason and try to resolve that...
if she is feeling fear of expressing love her in such a way that you need to resolve that fear....
Go on love her love her love her
Don't try to leave her love her love her
may your love reach the gods and accept by her.....

Thanks for reading.....


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